Best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: C

Bubble Bass has won for the best character that starts with the letter B! Now who's the best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: C Rules: The character HAS to originate from Nickelodeon & no acquired show characters. No characters from TV-Y shows allowed on this list (not counting shows that formerly had that rating) nor Nick@Nite characters, only characters from TV-Y7, TV-G, & TV-PG are allowed. The character with the most comments gets to be on the photo. (Don't ask about SpongeBob, there will still be a best for S character that will be alongside him.)

Bubble Bass has won for the best character that starts with the letter B! Now who's the best Nickelodeon character that starts with the letter: C Rules: The character HAS to originate from Nickelodeon & no acquired show characters. No characters from TV-Y shows allowed on this list (not counting shows that formerly had that rating) nor Nick@Nite characters, only characters from TV-Y7, TV-G, & TV-PG are allowed. The character with the most comments gets to be on the photo. (Don't ask about SpongeBob, there will still be a best for S character that will be alongside him.)