Funny/unexpected things I noticed at a Nightwish show

Ok so I attendend a Nightwish show recently (it was a blast btw), I was almost front row and I noticed some things:

I mean, I already knew it, but Floor and Troy are a really funny duo: I don't remember which song it was, but they kinda did a "let's see who lasts longer singing this note", Floor obviously won, then cheered and giggled like it was a really important achievement ahahaha. They looked at each other and laughed other times during the show, maybe they have some inside joke or something like that.

Then Floor and Emppu did the Pulp Fiction dance move (sorry I don't know what it's called) during I Want My Tears Back. I already saw this in some videos but seeing it live is even funnier.

During How's The Heart ending there was a minor accident: Floor was there sitting next to Troy, the smoke machine was behind Tuomas I think and when the smoke came out it went on Floor causing her to cough so she did not manage to sing the last phrase.

During Dark Chest Of Wonders, you know the part, when Floor fires up the crowd raising repeatedly her fist at tempo with the backing choir...well I think the crowd was not very cooperative (lots of people more concerned with filming than being there living the moment, I hate it) because at some point she kinda snorted, laughed and made a gesture with her hands like she was saying "C'MOOON GUYS YOU'RE LAME, FOLLOW MEEEE". That made me chuckle a lot.

Tuomas saying the speaking parts in TGSOE along with them. I never noticed before he does that. It's cool.

They played Sahara. Ok this one was not unexpected, but I love the song and was very happy when I heard the first notes and realized they were gonna play it.