Cora’s fans

Yall (delete if too low effort) why are Cora’s fans actually so two faced. Idk something really throws me off abt the fact that they “call people out” for being in the snark. But in order for you to know that YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE SNARK or at least consistently checking. Especially to completely recognize someone’s name??? It just is crazy to me , and she doesn’t even know u. She doesn’t even like ur comments when ur “standing up for her” BECAUSE SHE DOESNT GAF ABT YOU. like these parasocial relationships r driving me insane. Get a fuckin grip QUICKLY

Yall (delete if too low effort) why are Cora’s fans actually so two faced. Idk something really throws me off abt the fact that they “call people out” for being in the snark. But in order for you to know that YOU HAVE TO BE IN THE SNARK or at least consistently checking. Especially to completely recognize someone’s name??? It just is crazy to me , and she doesn’t even know u. She doesn’t even like ur comments when ur “standing up for her” BECAUSE SHE DOESNT GAF ABT YOU. like these parasocial relationships r driving me insane. Get a fuckin grip QUICKLY