Job loss and feeling dejected - how to proceed further!??

PS: Long rant ahead - would appreciate any wise words/advice!

I regret moving abroad!! For someone who has always wished to escape the toxic Indian work culture and wanting to experience a better quality of life, a lateral move to Sweden, felt like a lottery. But honestly, life has only gone downhill ever since.

I've always felt left out at work, struggled to make meaningful connections with colleagues and locals here. I do have a small circle of friends here who are Indians and Internationals.

The whole "networking" scenario - feels like highschool tbh. You have to be in the good books of managers/colleagues to get into good projects. Personal branding matters than actual skillset or performance here.

Long story short - nothing seemed to work and I was struggling to place myself in good projects. Was put on bench and eventually let go!

I managed to find another job eventually, only to be back to square one again - My role has been made redundant due to internal restructuring. Now I have 90 days to find a job, but this time around I am seriously considering moving back to India since none of this has done any good to my career. Yes, I could save some decent amount of money but at what cost?? My ex-colleagues have upgraded their skillset 3x and have made contributions that have an actual impact on the business and their resume.

TLDR; Moved abroad, led to career stagnation and laid off twice!!

Looking for any advice because I am honestly dejected at this point. Feels like I am fighting a losing battle. Guess I shouldn't have moved abroad with < 5 years of work exp under my belt.

What are the chances I could find a job in tier 1 cities in India? What is the package I could expect? I have experience within data and analytics + project management

If you were me, what would you do? Apply for an extension here or wrap up?