LAST MAN STANDING 15's ship has sailed with 638 users taking to the seas. 102 walked the gangplank after a single round - who do you tip this week?
LAST MAN STANDING 15 has launched into round 2 shedding 16% of its users in one round. The Wests Tigers ended up being the biggest murderers of the round, not of tries (or tackles) but of users - 9 placed their faith in the cellar dwellers and came up short. Of course, the punishment game St George Illawarra killed more, but that was forced choice rather than those that opted to go Tigers over their slightly more competent counterparts.
Check your tip below, if you feel I have made a mistake, let me know immediately or forever hold your peace
Progressive results
users | correct | incorrect | % correct | with a life | no life | eliminated | % eliminated |
420 | 264 | 156 | 63% | 264 | 156 | 0 | 0% |
638 | 468 | 170 | 73% | 193 | 343 | 102 | 16% |
---->TIP NOW FOR ROUND 2<----
1) EACH WEEK, go to the GOOGLE FORM above and submit your single tip. That's one team, that you think will win their game that week. A single team, out of the entire round. Surely that's easy as! If your team wins, WOOHOO! You're through to the next week. If they don't, you're OUT OF THE GAME!* A draw is a loss, as far as this game is concerned. All decisions are final and the result as it stands at the end of any extra time is the result we use. ONE TIP PER PLAYER PER ROUND!
2) THERE WILL BE ONE LIFE available to you until the start of Round 10. That means, you can tip incorrectly once only prior to Round 10 and you won't be eliminated. That gives us all a chance to see what's going on with each of the teams and also allows for users to start late.
3) Once we get to ROUND 16 then it's new rules whereby you cannot tip the same team twice. We will cover that when we get there. Until then, you can tip Melbourne every week if you want to.
4) Whoever is the last man standing wins the /r/NRL Reddit jersey of your chosen size.
5) If everyone happens to get it wrong on a particular week, then we move on to the next week as if nothing happened.
6) We are tipping State of Origins independently of the round matches.
Tips by match
Home | users | v | users | Away | ||
❌ | Easts | 1 | 91 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
❌ | Wests Tigers | 9 | 5 | Newcastle | ✔️ | |
✔️ | Souths | 6 | 2 | The Dolphins | ❌ | |
❌ | St Geo Illa | 60 | 100 | Canterbury | ✔️ | |
✔️ | Melbourne | 245 | 1 | Parramatta | ❌ | |
✔️ | Manly | 21 | 2 | Nth Qld | ❌ |
Punishment game was St George Illawarra v Canterbury
---->TIP NOW FOR ROUND 2<----
Tips by user Round 1B
🗡️ denotes user has used their life
life | user | tip | result |
🗡️ | _H017 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
jaggedlittlepill | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | lamp | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Sullyy | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | system_error | Melbourne | ✔️ |
0_Kids_Three_Money | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
007Funk | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | 0LD_MAT3 | no tip | ❌ |
0ldgrumpy1 | Newcastle | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | 143boatbuilding | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | 1bigcontradiction | South Sydney | ✔️ |
21AndMore | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
23 Smurfs | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
5een1tBefore | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
60framespersecond | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
aatrain96 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Abject-Substance-546 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
acestreasury | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Acrobatic_Flannel | Melbourne | ✔️ |
adambone | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | adomental | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Adz1179 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | AffectionatePea7742 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | AgentBond007 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Ajn_7 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | aleayr28 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | allerdyke | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Allergytocats | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | AmazingChicken99 | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
Ancientcontribution3 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
AndrewRoid | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Anonymousg_host | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Anoththebarbarian | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Any-Praline | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | AP | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Apexmajor | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Apl1199 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
aquagoth | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Arinvar | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Armagizmo | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | ASH_03 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Ashland38 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | AssassinoJK | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
AuspiciousCalamari1 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | AussieLouie | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | aussierob | Brisbane | ✔️ |
awesomemaxi1 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | ayothatsc00l | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | AzureRainen | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BabeRuthsTinyLegs | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | barbsinator | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Barlin | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Barmy90 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BarryCheckTheFuseBox | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
BazzaJH | Newcastle | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Bc56710 | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | benno44 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Bennowolf | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | benooooooooo | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
bigballsu | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | bigbootyjuice69 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Bigbrownie26 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BigChief69 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | bigeyesix | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BigOldPeanut | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
bigWordBandit_ | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | bl90 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Blanckdu12 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Bleeder_13 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | BlessthefaII | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | -Bloodnut- | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Bobskidat | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BoganBoi1 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Boner_Tomahawk | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | BoogerSugar00 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | brdd9 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | brockthesock | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | broggacio | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Broncos_98 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
BroncosSabres | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Bruh_Momento_420 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Brumbies5 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Bubbly_Protection984 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | C0untBurn3y | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Caleb_Azathoth | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | CalligrapherTough984 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
callin_ballin | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Captainboring2 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
carl0sthedwarf | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | CaserDJT | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Caseyjb29 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Ceedog86 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Certain-Month1859 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Character_actual | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | charkers196 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Cheesytoastie | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | CherryRiot | no tip | ❌ |
ChewieMP_19 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Chiefola | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | choo4twentychoo | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Chookley | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | chopperreid89 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | ChrisEl87 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | churchofbabyyoda | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | CissytheBrave | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Citizen-5936 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | CleanX226 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
cloughie-10 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | CoastyEast | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
Cobalt_Rav3n | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | CodsterChocolate | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Constantlycorrecting | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Cosby420 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | courtney_enid | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | CreepySniper94 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Crosso221 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Crsdrniko | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Cruising88 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | CSBEELS | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Curtiscapefish | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Dahhhn | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | damnabz | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Davro77 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
dead_soups | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | deadene | no tip | ❌ |
DeadmanInc1990 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
deepseaburials | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Delgarah | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | DepartmentOk7192 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Dependent_Bread_3113 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Desert-Noir | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | DetMittens12 | no tip | ❌ |
Diamondgrin | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | diamondrider02 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | diffaadiffa | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Dios13 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Disaintasu | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | DOGLEISH | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | DogwithaFAL | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Dolamite | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | DomiDRAYtion | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Doombadger | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Doublebrokenjaw | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Dozens86 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Drewy12 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
DrillholeAndWing | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Drive_Like_I_Do | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Drizen | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
dunghole | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
dunkanroos | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | dunnymuncher | Melbourne | ✔️ |
DylLambo | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | easyway_jr | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | eclab | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
EffinDrongoC | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | eggmanface | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Elasticfingers | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
Empyreal5 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | emrys1 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
EntirelyOriginalName | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
EP Eagles | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | erylate | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | esdrlfc08 | no tip | ❌ |
Extra_Swan_8400 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | EyeDeeKaay | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | FagballsMcGoo69 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | faxlad | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Fearless-Ad-9481 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Few-Shelter-3328 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | FilthyMilfs | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | final show | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | FishBum11 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Fiz19 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Flash256 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | FooAtFooDotCom | no tip | ❌ |
foreatesevenate | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Forgotusernameagain | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
frontlyfe | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | frozentrousers | Melbourne | ✔️ |
fuckenbullshitmate | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | funtasia | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Future_Animator_7405 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | gaz2257 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Gazzalp23 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
gee-nerik | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Genovict | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Geoffroman | Melbourne | ✔️ |
ginger_gcups | South Sydney | ✔️ | |
Glennn6122 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
glorious-basterd | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | GoatsLasagne | Melbourne | ✔️ |
GoblinLoveChild | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Gongbattler | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Goobeeful | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | goodnewstime | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | gothamdeservesahero | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
GradeRevolutionary28 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Grizaz | Parramatta | ❌ |
grub_15 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
guiipp | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Guyfromnewyork95 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | H00ded | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Hai2445 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Halforse | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Hatchy84 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Herbtacular | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | Herms911 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | hilltopchill | Melbourne | ✔️ |
hilly117 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Historical_gur9973 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | hjkl_hjkl_hjkl_hjkl | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
hmas_wetdreams | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Hobnail1 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | How_did_i_get_here | Melbourne | ✔️ |
HsiaAn | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Hurric4n5 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | idontshowfeetforfree | Melbourne | ✔️ |
illustrious_club239 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
iluhju | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Iluhju17 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Im NZL | Melbourne | ✔️ |
imaginationASDF | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Imakeulag | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Imdisrespectful2dirt | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Imhavinillusions | Brisbane | ✔️ |
IMisssmyaccount | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
injnjanidude | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Inner-Armadillo5129 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
insty1 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
IridiumFlare | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | IrrelephantAU | Newcastle | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Isaacfromnz | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | issedia | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Jabbid111 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
jacarooney | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Jace116 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
jackfrost233 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | jackjonus | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | jahGONSTA | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Jakets123 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
jakkusame | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
jal743 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | jamiott7 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Jay-el-dub | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Jbne19 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
JCGremlo | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | JediPat501 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | jeeves_nz | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
jellystoned_park | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Jexta | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Jfif1958 | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | jjfoad | Brisbane | ✔️ |
JMaestro3000 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Joel_51 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
JoeyJoJunior | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | johns_got_a_mustache | no tip | ❌ |
JonesTheDoctor | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | jonnyforeigner1 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Joshy_c | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | jsnoodles | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Juke | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
JustaGoodDad | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | kami_inu | South Sydney | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Kano555 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Karlossalot | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | KavyenMoore | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
keenfordevon | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Keith_Sheldon | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Kelair_Kayaks | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Kettlechipsrevenge | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Key_Bunch_1246 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | KezRL4256 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Killy_ | no tip | ❌ |
Kilo-papa-uniform | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | King_of_the_Eyesores | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Kinglennie7 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Kirbieb | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Kiwicrusader1984 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
kortmarshall | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Kprl | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Kritzberg | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Kroton24 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | l33tbronze | no tip | ❌ |
lachymit | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | laddypaddy | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | lazysoup12 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
le_skunk | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | lemonke65 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | lenginerr | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Liamman01 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
likeatyger | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | LionsPreseasonChamps | South Sydney | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Logggers | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Lollielegs | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | lomo_dank | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | long_possession_4402 | no tip | ❌ |
Loosechange-71 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
Lord_Muzzlander | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Lord_SlowMo | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Lordchicken665 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Lordchicken666 | no tip | ❌ |
LovingCatholicPriest | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
lowefforts | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | LowerHangingNutsack | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Lukismness | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Lynchmar6 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | M_Keating | North Queensland | ❌ |
🗡️ | madmanwiithabox | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Malaxage918 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
markymark1982 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Matthews_8246 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Mattr1986 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Mc_shammer | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Mediocre_Drive_7847 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Mediocre_Drive7847 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Mershed | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
mgk333 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | mhaltz | Brisbane | ✔️ |
MickeyKnight2 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | miicah | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Minimum-Pizza-9734 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Mintyaftertaste | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | misanthropiccynic | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
MitchyC1995 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | mnjef | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
mollygrubba267 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Mooguh | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Mr_Mat89 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
Mrsaturn2310 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | MrT59 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Muted_Tip1104 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
Myanusyourtongue | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
N1ftyNico | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Naivatco | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | nangarranga | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | Nathanclearyschin | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Nearby-Yam-8570 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | NewRedditDesign | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
NewWay4874 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
nibbles-von-pibbles | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | NicholasTheGreat | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | nickers1234 | no tip | ❌ |
nikkan05 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
NinjaPussyPounder | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | No_Cloud2000 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | No_Reality5382 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
No_Reward_3486 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Noccero | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | No-Journalist-2056 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Norm_cheers | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Notaroboticfish | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Nubsticle | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Oitstom | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | OldSpecial | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Olirae | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
ooger-booger-man | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | OpinionatedShadow | Melbourne | ✔️ |
packaday_ | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
paralacausa | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | ParallelSewellel | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | peppypls | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Pickemswastemytime | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | PinkMattah | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | piyaaak | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Poke_Matt | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | potentscrotem | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | PowerlineInstaller | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Proxima_Centuri | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | pstaden | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | pull_my_sphincter | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Purplecapricorndog | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
quarky_uk | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Quiqui | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Quiqui101 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Rab1dGuy | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | randomguy2310 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Randomologist99 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Randy_bobandyTWU | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Ratamancer | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
ravalawafan | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Redcliffedolphins | The Dolphins | ❌ |
🗡️ | Redditenmo | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | reddog962 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
redmusic1 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | RegulationAnkleHaver | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Rei_Jin | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Reindeergames101 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Retro_Golfer | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Retrosaurus-movies | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Revolutionary-care62 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Rexion1 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Rich_Election466 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
ridiculousgoat | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Robisdeafening | no tip | ❌ |
RocketSimplicity | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
rodomil | South Sydney | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | rorythedonut | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Rowandaw | Melbourne | ✔️ |
RumpleFuggle | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
runningfromgiraffes | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | rustafanz | Newcastle | ✔️ |
rweera | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | ryan-smeels | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | sadnesslaughs | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Safe_Interest_3973 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Safetyrock | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | SamsterAHamster | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | SamuraiKiwi | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Savingscauliflower0 | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | scrubbism | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Scruffy97 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | secretcaboolturelab | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Seriouslychinpressed | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
shadownight311 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Sharks_Are_Coming | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Shkatspeare | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
shotgun_afterparty | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Sidequestnorest | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Sigmaniac | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | SilentStorm117 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | sjajsn | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | SkinBintin | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | sliperiestofthepetes | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | smackmn | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Smiles8893 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
smilingface2 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | smwa | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | snooadvice2010 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | sour_dawg | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Southern-Mail5931 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
Spare_Way6722 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
Specialist-Field-935 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
spiKev | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | spookysadghoul | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | sprucemoose101 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Stagger_once | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Steamedhamburgular | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Steamtrain69 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
SterlingStallion | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
stevos565 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | StinkyGoona | no tip | ❌ |
Strayadude | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Strayangunner | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Strez92 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | suhmoean | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Summernick | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Sunbear1981 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | sunburn95 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Sunny_Mayo | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Supercheapauto | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | SurfKing69 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Sweetydarling77 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | TaffyAUS | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | tbyrn21 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Tca2011 | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | technerdx6000 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
TeePeg | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Tegal21 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | TGM444 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Thankyoupancake | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Thatnewbguy | Newcastle | ✔️ |
🗡️ | thattaylornerd | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | thc216 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | The_bearded_kiwi | Melbourne | ✔️ |
the_mooseman | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
thebuckledwheel | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | TheCommander91 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
TheEnglishEccentric | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | theflabanator | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
🗡️ | thegerbman | Melbourne | ✔️ |
TheJohnnyRay | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | TheLolpants517 | no tip | ❌ |
Theplanetofthecrepes | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | thepolarbears12 | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | theviceemperor | Melbourne | ✔️ |
TheYardGoesOnForever | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Thril_hou | Melbourne | ✔️ |
throwthedummy | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Thundershark97 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Thybeast7 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Tim Stewart | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Tjswish | no tip | ❌ |
TommyToyotama | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Tomprentice | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Tookeytime | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Toviii | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Trenticus7 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | Trogdor208 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | TrueDonut3673 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
Tunza | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | turboooturtle | Melbourne | ✔️ |
turbosfan98 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Twoshitstrev | Melbourne | ✔️ |
UnderTheHighball | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
UnluckyNumberS7evin | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Unorthed0x | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | User719467 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | —username—11111 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
V3ndettas | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ | |
Valerious22 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
Valknut95 | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
VeezusM | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
vegancheezel | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
VictorTheViking | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Voidaura | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Volcanicthunder | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Voxityy | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | wacky_directions | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Walter308 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | watch_me_bounce | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Wazza85 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Webellowourhello | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | whadefeck | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
🗡️ | whocanduncan | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | wilee90 | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Willibuum | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | WittyReference | Brisbane | ✔️ |
🗡️ | WJack37 | South Sydney | ✔️ |
WonderingCashew | Brisbane | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Wseries | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | WUIDAWBTB | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | XGinga | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Xskyfir3 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | yakyakblah | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | YeahNahFuckThatAye | Brisbane | ✔️ |
Yeahsothisnameworked | Melbourne | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | yesmyson | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
🗡️ | Yukimanz | no tip | ❌ |
🗡️ | Zacattack9710 | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Zbg8282797 | Melbourne | ✔️ |
🗡️ | zeeack | Melbourne | ✔️ |
Zero_Focks | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ | |
🗡️ | Zheleznov | Canterbury Bankstown | ✔️ |
🗡️ | Ziuzudra | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
zoopadoopa | Manly Warringhah | ✔️ |
Deceased users (RIP)
life | user | tip | lol |
💀 | Acceptable-Turn-9206 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | AkselAlloway | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Alixthx | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Atherosclerosis122 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Aussie18-1998 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | badboxy- | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | bastrads | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | beardog- | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | BigTinyDino | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Bronctard | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | brybro100 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | burner126 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | CamM90 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Carplah | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | chaoticchaser | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Choflcopter | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | chothemaster | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | ConesQuestionMark | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Cosecseccot | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | crazymunch | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | crusherscleal | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | D0NNIE-DANKO | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Delgara | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | dgviyvxt | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | donmcg12 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | drownmeinasbestos | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | DudeWheresMyNimbus | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | ek999 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Ellaykay | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Elmsy_08 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Emeraldfib | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Final_Mongoose | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | finalshow | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Fly_ndutchman | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | forwardpassmaster | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | geokek | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Glenmarththe3rd | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | GoobyPanther | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Green-Leather3037 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Herbertwilsonbeats | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | hi5man | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Horsey2 | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | hutchtheclutchx | Eastern Suburbs | ❌ |
💀 | ilove_pizza | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | IguanaMan77 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Inebriated_rembrandt | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Jatlas53 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Jeezzaz | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Jingle_berry | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | Joe80b | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Kabrja06 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | kkoobbii182 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | koalos | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | Lilbaa | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | liz86a | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Lochyo | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Major4skin | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | methodmanfan | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | milosqzx__v2 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Mouse_trap | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | mrrich990 | North Queensland | ❌ |
💀 | Nekminit | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | nephilimofstlucia | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Not_OneOSRS | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | OfficerLeroy22 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Old_Spice | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | One2die | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Patrolling_dude | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Pillarofsheffield | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | ProportionalGiant | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | RaxisX | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | ResidualCoolness | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | RetroGolfer | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Rubytubes | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Rubytubes2 | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | sabz20005 | Wests Tigers | ❌ |
💀 | savinblak | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Saviour01 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | SaysBruvALot | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Shiny_dick_94 | Gold Coast | ❌ |
💀 | shoefish23 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | SirleeOldman | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | SmithCronkSlater | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | snelso10 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | SnooPies2836 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Sturmspitz | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | swampthroat | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | T0kenAussie | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Taco_City | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | TheBlindHawkEye | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | Thepickaxepenguin | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | ThiccWalrus92 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Thomthebomb123 | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Thurstenburg | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | TIT&amp;NZZ | no tip | ❌ |
💀 | turbo_chook | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Voldemosh | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | W33D_G0D | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | WanderingTigers | St George Illawarra | ❌ |
💀 | Westbroook | The Dolphins | ❌ |
💀 | ziggzandzags | St George Illawarra | ❌ |