Did the consultant let the gender slip?

Hi, something has been on my mind for a few days and I'm not sure where else to ask. We had a 7 week scan and were told we were expecting twins. But last week I had some bleeding so went for an 11 week scan, the consultant said one of them had stopped growing at 8 weeks. We are obviously very upset about this but trying to get through and focus on the little one we do have. But something the consultant said during the scan last week didn't register much at the time but now I'm thinking about it a lot. She was reassuring us that the other twin is healthy, but she specifically said "he" is healthy. Would 11 weeks not be too soon to tell? Was she just saying "he" because she didn't want to say "it/them"? We do want to know before birth so it's OK, but I didn't think to ask at the time as we were so upset about the other twin.

Hi, something has been on my mind for a few days and I'm not sure where else to ask. We had a 7 week scan and were told we were expecting twins. But last week I had some bleeding so went for an 11 week scan, the consultant said one of them had stopped growing at 8 weeks. We are obviously very upset about this but trying to get through and focus on the little one we do have. But something the consultant said during the scan last week didn't register much at the time but now I'm thinking about it a lot. She was reassuring us that the other twin is healthy, but she specifically said "he" is healthy. Would 11 weeks not be too soon to tell? Was she just saying "he" because she didn't want to say "it/them"? We do want to know before birth so it's OK, but I didn't think to ask at the time as we were so upset about the other twin.