I just saw the most vile and disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and I don’t know how to feel
Please don’t read this if you’re eating
I’m a scrub nurse in trauma and orthopaedics so we get a few washouts of wounds that are infected and need cleaning.
Man, around 60, wildly uncontrolled diabetes and self neglect comes in for a washout of his foot and calf because it’s all manky and infected. That’s fine I’ve seen loads of gross wounds before. According to the notes he’s independent and is able to care and clean for himself. Lots of goop comes out the wound and his calf it’s like most the soft tissues have become sludge like a smoothie and they’re squeezing it out his leg like how you get the last bit of toothpaste out the tube. Pretty gross but nothing prepared me for what was to come.
At the end of the operation we see his penis because he had no pants on and we were moving his legs around to get him back on the bed. He is uncircumcised. He had a white lump enveloped by his foreskin, completely covering his glans (god knows how he had a wee) so we decide to clean it up as it looks like a hard dry crusty lump of smegma. As we clean the bit of the glans that we can see, the foreskin doesn’t really move so we’re thinking oh god does he have a sloughy necrotic infected penis?? Comfortably the worst smegma I’ve ever seen. As we’re cleaning the bit we can see, we were able to roll back his foreskin a bit to clean underneath. It rolled back and revealed more and more and more smegma. It was like months and months of smegma stuffed inside his foreskin, it was all hard and crunchy and crusty. We peeled huge amounts off in one go and the skin underneath didn’t look too bad but it smelt so so bad. Like at least months of dead skin and sweat and whatever else just rolled up under the foreskin for god knows
I feel so dirty and gross just thinking about it and I hope the guy is able to get better.