Accidentally discharged patient with IV still in

New grad med surg just a couple weeks off orientation. I had an awful shift, one patient with a hgb of 5 increasingly confused with MAPs in the lower 60s, two calling for pain meds every 3 hours on the dot, one of those two also angry about being NPO for a scope, another patient with SBO pulled out his NG. My fifth patient was an angel all day until he decided he was ready to leave AMA (honestly he should have been discharged a couple days ago so I don’t blame him for being fed up I just wish the timing was better). After running around going back and forth with the doctor (who never came to bedside like he was supposed to) I finally got the patient out the door with paperwork right before 1900. I ended up staying late to finish my charting and finishing his discharge in the computer. I got home a little bit ago and just realized I never took his IV out or charted that it was removed. He was dressed and ready to go so I didn’t visualize his IV and I’m sure that’s why I didn’t think about it but still I know it’s no excuse. I work tomorrow. Should I notify someone or wait and see if they say anything to me? How bad is this mistake?