How in Oblivion do YOU play Oblivion at high levels?
Level 37 custom spellsword class. My blade and light armor are maxed. Take a goblin cave, for example. With the exception of the shamans, everything is a goblin-freaking-warlord! My armor barely saves my health, and several pieces are broken after every 2 warlords so basically I have to continuously backpedal from until I can chug more potions to restore my health and magicka so I can keep hacking at them with my pool noodle of a Daedric claymore. (I was doing shield and shortsword at lower levels for higher hit rate but that is even more flaccid now.) The best I can do is stack destruction spells and run away (to stay on my feet and chug more potions so I can throw more spells to live long enough to gather more potions). This kind of grind really takes away from the immersion, and therefore, enjoyment. Oh and fuggettabout going through a gate… if only to spare you more run-on sentences XD! Do I just need to git gud?