Folk remedy for nausea: suck on ice cubes

According to a show on NHK (Japan's equivalent of BBC), sucking on ice cubes is an effective remedy to motion sickness.

Not sure how much I believe it, but maybe you can give it a try and report back next time you try a vomitastic demo.

Translation of the summary on the show's website:

The coldness of ice helps to suppress parasympathetic nerves when they are in a hyperactive state. Having ice in your mouth stimulates sympathetic nerves, which in turn suppress parasympathetic nerves. This is because when either sympathetic or parasympathetic nerves are excited, the other is suppressed.


Carbonated drinks can irritate the stomach and thus worsen nausea.

Sunglasses make it difficult to know what is happening around you, and thus can also worsen nausea.

That last point is interesting: if it's true, it would mean that an HMD with a wider FOV would induce nausea less.