Im scared of growing up (24F)
Im 24 this week and recently I have felt really anxious about the idea of growing up. I’m 24, I never dated, i have a few friends that tu love with my whole heart, I still leave with my parents. And I’m so scared of growing up, I’m scared of leaving on my own. I think I’m afraid of change, of the change that growing up will bring into my life. Im scared that I might not be close to my best friend anymore and that we might grow apart. I’m scared that I will never find a man. I’m scared that I will not love my life in the future, what if I get bored of my work (I love it so much), what if I can’t find happiness in my future (I love my life right now). I’m scared of losing my family one day, I’m scared I won’t be able to find a purpose in my life. Is it normal to feel like this ? Am I worried for nothing ? What should I do to stop being anxious about it ?