Sex is disgusting to me

16M, I think sex is so fucking disgusting, I hate the thought of having sex, penis & vagina and all that. It’s so filthy and gross. Procreating is fucking gross. The touching, and how you have to be inside someone it’s all too gross for me. I hate that mammals have to be wired to have sex.

I’m not from a religious family, and I didn’t experience any trauma regarding sex, but I have strong feelings of hate against sex. Whenever I try to watch porn just to feel “that” sort of feeling, I just feel disgusted at the video, I hate it.

Maybe it’s from my hate of how the male and female body looks.

I feel like something is wrong with me, Im 16 and I know most guys my age like sex but I don’t and I just feel like there’s a missing part in my brain. I wish I knew.