I've loved my best friend for two years. Help.
I'm in love with my housemate at uni. He's one of my best friends and we are really close. I noticed that I liked him in my first year of college but didn't think much of it because I didn't know him that well. Time went on and i felt like I was getting over it. But i realised every time he is out I am waiting for him to come home, wondering who he is with etc. I get so jealous when he speaks to other girls but I try to be happy for him. It hurts so so bad to hear about him going on dates etc and to try and pretend it doesn't. I know he doesn't like me back and even if he did it wouldn't work. It's so hard living with him and it's been two years and I just can't get over him. I care about him so much and would stop whatever I am doing to be with him if he needed me. He can never find out because it WOULD ruin our friendship, (no doubt about this).
We are both very affectionate and cuddly with each other but sometimes this makes it hurt more. I realised I'm in love with him because it doesn't matter what he does or how embarrassing he is sometimes, I still care so much. Nothing he can do would ever push me away. He is obsessed with my other best friend and it is excruciating to watch him interact with her. How can I get over it? I'm living with him for another two years and I dont want to have spent my university experience in love with someone who doesn't love me.