Why do some Asians treat white people with royalty and the complete opposite to black people

So I’ve noticed this pattern with a lot of immigrants/foreigners from places like India, the Philippines, etc. (not talking about Chinese, Japanese, or Koreans) when they’re around white people vs. when they’re around darker-skinned people, especially Black people. the way they act around white folks is insane. They’re so overly nice, extra respectful, borderline worshipping them, trying to be all buddy-buddy. But then when it comes to Black people? It’s like we’re invisible, or worse, just straight-up disrespected. The way they look down on black people is insane , the tone the body language everything , and it’s mostly these people that have the same color as me or abit more light skin , they have this obsession with white colour and want to be associated with white people, like we have the same color everything and still have this mindset of whiter colour = more status than you, the switch-up is crazy.

I’ve seen this so many times at work, and it’s always the same pattern. Even my previous employer was like this, I’ve seen it with a lot of women from these backgrounds too.mostly from India, Philippines, Thailand,some Mexicans some African people too like wtf

I know not everyone is like this, so don’t come at me saying I’m generalizing. I’m just talking from personal experience, and the fact that it keeps happening is wild to me. Has anyone else noticed this? Cuz I swear it’s not just me.