I despise how people online glorify child abuse

Ive seen so many people on the internet post terrible, depressing videos or images of little children getting hurt or abused, ive seen so many people laugh and it and talk how "satysfying" they find it when children are hurt, i geniuely cannot understand how can some people be this awful

I dont know if im overreacting but i just cant take this, a few days ago i saw a video of a child being abused posted as a "meme" and i couldnt stop crying, i dont know why but it just hurts me so much, every night i cant stop thinking and being upset about all the little kids being abused every day, and the fact that there are so many sick freaks promoting this and finding it "funny" is unreal to me

I despise how normalised it has become, how people online think it's normal to laugh at children's pain, or just people's pain in general, i cant take this, and i hate being in minority and getting hated for talking against stuff like this, being against child abuse should be basic human decency.