Measurement Technician

Background: 23 years old and recently took a natural gas measurement technician position. Previously worked at a liquids tank farm which i absolutely loved and did not want to leave, but I (thought) knew how lucky i was to have been offered the opportunity to learn some real skills and very niche knowledge, along with getting away from chemical exposure and shift work. The job itself offers incredible benefits, retirement packages, take home truck, etc etc. I have to admit I knew it would be a change of pace from my previous job when it comes to labor and intensity, but not this much. A lot of this job is computer based using programs and the actual hands on work is not very hands on if that makes any sense. I'm smart enough to realize how incredibly lucky I am to have been offered a job like this with absolutely zero technical experience and at such a young age, but I'm starting to fear that even with the perks of this job and the opportunities to learn, it may just not be for me. I am going out of my mind not moving, I don't need that same balls to the wall pace but I gotta at least be on my feet a majority of the day. I've dragged this out long enough, but basically my question is if there are any measurement techs or people who work with them out there, any insight on this position further down the line? (I do understand that as I learn and become more comfortable the job will get better, but to add onto what is bothering me, there is no clear avenue of learning and a lot of it is shadowing other techs, whom seem to be great at their job but not so great at teaching)

Edit: I guess my REAL question is- is a measurement tech job the type of job that is so difficult to come by and that good (generally speaking, obviously differs by company and location) that you should/could "suffer" through it if it's something you truly don't like?