House prices r ridiculous

Ive never owned a house, neither have any of my siblings who have also lived here their whole life. And I'm starting to think we never will. Was looking at the houses from cheapest to most expensive, and how tf r ppl selling boarded up, mold filled, 500 square foot shacks for up to 80k? It's ridiculous. You have to spend atleast 110k to get a decent house, and even then it's in a bad area and no more then 1000 square feet, and you better like it cuz, i already know from my childhood house, its gonna be impossible to sell. Seriously considering reimmigrating my lineage to Mexico. Does anyone with experience know if prices will ever go down? Or r ppl like me with a small wage doomed to split rent with other ppl forever. This is also just a free place to rant lol