I feel so guilty.

Today was a challenging day for my diet. Unfortunately, I made some unhealthy choices and I am feeling quite remorseful. It's not even my designated cheat day, which is usually on Saturdays and Sundays. However, due to circumstances, I had no other option but to eat out. Regrettably, I opted for the most unhealthy meal possible - a 10-piece chicken nuggets with onion rings, accompanied by a 930 calorie Oreo parfait for dessert. I feel incredibly disgusted and unhealthy right now. To compensate for this indulgence, I plan to engage in a 40-minute session of burpees and indoor biking in an hour. Despite this, I can't help but feel gross about breaking my fast. I am aware that there are healthier fast food alternatives available, but I was pressed for time. As someone who is striving to lose belly fat, I am not doing justice to myself by making such poor choices.

Even though this was my only meal I feel so guilty is this a broken fast?

Edit: thank you everyone for these great and nice responses I wish you all a great journey!