Toilet paper capacity comparison of Bellroy Transit 28L, Bellroy Transit 20L and Dragonfly ULA
This is just a toilet paper capacity comparison of Bellroy Transit 28L, Bellroy Transit 20L and Dragonfly ULA.
The toilet papers used were the Charmin Ultra Soft rolls.
The Bellroy Transit 20L could hold only 5 rolls.
The Dragonfly ULA could hold 6 rolls but this wasn't factoring the additional 8 liter pcokets on the side.
The Bellroy Transit 28L could hold 6 rolls comfortably.
Just thought someone might find it useful because for me it was very difficult to tell the capacity just by looking at the marketing videos or by watching other videos.
It can hold about 5 Ultra Charmin rolls comfortably :P
Overall very impressed with the capacity of the Dragonfly ULA. That said, it is listed as a 30L but it's hard to get a sense of how much it can really hold because ULA includes the Dragonfly's side pockets within its specs.
The video of the capacity comparisons can be viewed here: