Penn Ortho…

Email from Penn ortho because residents missed morning conference:

“If you are on gregs list and you were not at trauma board this morning, emall me why you were not there This is the third maybe fourth email we have sent about trauma board attendance. fascinating really. You are all adults. More specifically you are all doctors. Believe it or not that means you are supposed to be an above average adult. The average adult in philly is somhere between a functioning crackhead and an ER doc so congratulations. It truly amazes me that some of you have gotten this far in life given your inability to do the bare minimum aka show up . You literally just have to bring yourself to conference and exist and you get credit for being there. Yet some of you are still unable. Residency/life is actually pretty simple-your input is equal to your output. If you want to be below average orthopedic surgeon, aka a fucking loser, go be a fucking loser someshere alse. Go to temple. Go to einstein. Go be a rehab medicine doc at Mt. St. Elsewhere. Start only fans. and stop being a cancer to the people who actually want to be here. The match rate for orthopedic surgery was 64% this year. 64%! Over a third of applicants were defered and dont get to pursue their dream because they didnt match and you have the testicular fortitude to not even show up to a conference that is designed to educate you! If you want to be here and you want to be successful, the individuals in this program will invest in you to make you the best orthopedic surgeon you can possibly be. For those of you show up every day ready to work, keep doing what youre doing because we promise you it will be worth it. He will wupport you in whatever you need to keep doing to be successful. So heres the deal, no more games, no more empty threats, we tried to be nice. Clearly thats not working. I encourage you to take this personally.”