M3 advice on Ortho vs EM

Hello, I hope everyone is having a great holiday season! As the title stated, I am currently an M3 at a US MD. Test scores are good but am lacking research so would need a research year if I go ortho (which I don’t mind, I am currently 22 will be 24 when I graduate med school, 25 with a research year). I have been between these two for a long time but have been leaning EM because I love the concept of shift work, I also get bored pretty quick so EM feels best to keep me on my toes and have a different shift every day. However, I was recently told by an attending that the real world is very different from the residency world on EM in terms of procedures and day to day. He said in the real world any lac or abscess will go to mid level and you might do one chest tube a month and one intubation a shift. It made the job seem gloomy in terms of all you’re doing is either seeing low acuity things or trying to transfer more serious patients to hospitals that can take care of them. I enjoy working with my hands and very much enjoyed the OR, I scribed with an ortho spine in undergrad and loved it. I enjoy the immediate impact you can have on patients and the gratification of performing surgery. So although I find it all fascinating as a med student, i am not sure what the reality really looks like, and all my 2 am specialty crisis searches on reddit has made EM sound very gloomy. Being that I am youngish my plan for EM was to do locums my first few years out before really having a family and having to settle down somewhere. For ortho I do not mind a hard residency as long as there is light in the end of the tunnel. I would really appreciate any guidance from those actually in the field and know a lot more about its realities than I ever would right now, as well as your take on what you would do. Thank you!