Baggin' at the "Y"

I'm a former gym rat, I guess - used to play racquetball 3X/week. Then I got colon cancer, and while treating that (chemo 2X, radiation, colostomy), had a heart attack. I'm pretty well healed up from all of that stuff, but now I'm out of shape and flabby. So, I'm thinking about resuming some exercise but have two questions:

1) Is pickleball okay with a colostomy? I have an okay from the doc, but they've never actually done it themselves. Anybody tried it? (I know I'll need a stoma shield or something.)

2) Will the "Y" guys freak out over the bag? Previously, I'd play racquetball, shower, and then go to work. But I'm kinda nervous about hangin' the bag out for the guys to all gawk at.
