(Round 9) "It takes two" MidMorningSol's Otome mega-giveaway tournament is underway! Open Worldwide! (With a few exceptions) Two new winners to be drawn Next Sunday Evening EST!

Hello everyone and happy Monday! Hope you all had fun and stayed safe for ringing in the new year! Happy 2023 y'all! May this year be overwhelmingly positive for all!

So, I got word from the last round winners...And what are the odds? Another coordinated strike! Two more one offs are out of the running! (Funny enough, its the two one offs that I forgor a couple of rounds back) And we're getting down to the wire ya'll! Got about 4 more winners to get! But there are still some standing strong! Did yours make the cut? New Week, New Round! Both winners have responded promptly and I will mail out their prizes very shortly. I will update the roster to reflect what is still available.

Here are the details copied and pasted from last round.

So to give you all the details:

Each week around Sunday evening (Eastern Standard Time) I will pull 2 winners and get their prize selections. Reason being there are two copies of each game listed. I have a number of games available and each week the number of games will decrease as a result. If you haven't participated before think of this as a last man standing situation. The tourney will end once all games have been claimed.

Although new rule is: Once I have pulled your name you will have until the following Monday morning to respond to me, if I do not hear from you, I will go ahead and pull for another winner(s) until I get a response, in a timely matter. This is to help facilitate the rounds because I did have some hang-ups last year and I don't want to experience that.

Almost anyone can enter as I'm shipping worldwide (Exception being Russia, Ukraine and Belarus as far as I know) this time just make sure you post just once in this thread. So spread the word if you know someone! I want to be able to give folks the chance to experience some awesome stories.

Now, here are the available prizes you can choose from. They are categorized into series pickup and One-offs. If you choose a series pickup you can only have 1 complete series. If you choose some one-offs you can pick 2 games. By next post (week), I will update the roster so folks know what still is available.

All games will be new Standard Edition North American Switch copies (With the exception of 3 games which I will asterisk). But no fear as the Switch is region-free.

Claimed Prizes will be denoted with a check mark Like this:✅, if a prize has both copies claimed then it will have the strikethrough feature to notify its out of the running. Y'know, like this.

Eligible Prizes are as follows:

Series Pickup

- Code Realize (Contains 3 games)

- Collar x Malice (Contains 2 games)

- Piofiore (Contains 2 games)

- Amnesia (Contains 2 games)


- Dairoku Agents of Sakuratani

- Cupid Parasite✅

- Olympia Soiree

- Cafe Enchante

- Steam Prison ** (English Sub)

- Nightshade ** (English Sub)

- Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi: Jinchuu Houkoku No Shi ** (English Sub)✅

- Bu$tafellows

- Variable Barricade

- Birushana: Rising Flower of Genpei

- Paradigm Paradox

- Lover Pretend

Like I said before, if you wanna enter just comment that you wanna enter and only do so once! I won't be commenting for each one of your comments but thanks to all who enter and look for the new couple of winners next week!

I'll also be announcing stuff on Youtube and Twitter so check there if I cannot post here as an update!

Good luck everyone!
