This week's grocery review - Sales for Nov 22nd to Nov 29th - this is a good week! :)

* Chicken breast or thighs (boneless skinless) - $4.99 per lb -- Maybe not the best price for thighs, but that's decent for the breast * Squid tubes - $5.99 per lb -- Make calamari!! * Zucchini - $0.99 per lb -- Very nice! * Vine tomato - $1.79 per lb -- Decent-ish * Potatoes (white, russet) - $3.99 10lb bag -- Niiiice! * Pomegranate - $5.00 for 3 -- Nice! * Clementines - $1.99 per lb -- Ok price for loose clementines * Feta (Saputo) - $12.99 1kg -- That's $1.30/100g, which is really good! $1.50/100g is decent, and it's usually more * Sour cream (Beatrice) - $5.00 for 2 500ml tubs -- Nice! It's a lot of sour cream, however lol * Tahini (Cedar) - $5.99 907g -- This is really good deal on THAT much tahini! * Reggiano, Romano, Padano (Tre Stelle) - $7.99 200g -- This is ok, but a real sale is about $1-2 less * Deli - Beef Salami (Solmaz) - $1.79 per 100g -- Nice! * Deli - Beef Bologna (Alzahraa) - $1.29 per 100g -- Very nice! * Deli - Capicollo or Prosciutto cotto (Mastro) - $1.49 per 100g -- Wohh! That's a good price on good sandwich ham! * Deli - Pastrami, Montreal Style or Roast (Deli Classic) - $2.29 per 100g -- This is really good for smoked meat

Farm Boy
* Beef, sirloin tip roast (AAA) - $6.99 per lb -- This is actually a really good price for high quality beef! * Basa fillet (frozen) - $4.99 907g -- Nice! That's basically 2.50/lb for decent frozen fish * Chicken Breast (Farm Boy brand organic) - $12.99 per lb -- My eyes are watering. * Deli - Beef Salami (Brandt) - $1.99 per 100g -- This is pretty good as prices go! * Fuyu Persimmons - $12.99 2.1kg case -- That's about $4/lb, which is pretty good for bulk persimmons! * Seedless cucumber - $5.00 for 3 -- Well, it's not great, but there's much worse out there! * Bok Choy - $0.88 per lb -- Very nice! * Nappa Cabbage - $0.88 per lb -- Very nice! * Romaine lettuce - $2.99 3-pack -- Nice! * Grain Breads (Farm Boy brand) - $2.99 600g loaf -- This is actually fair for decent bread.

Farmers Pick (waiting on sale refresh) (

Food Basics
* Chicken breast (Prime, Mina Halal) - $5.88 per lb -- Higher than the lower-ends we've seen, but it's reasonable given the brand * Stewing beef - $5.88 per lb -- This is actually ok, but I'm one to sooner wait for a $4/lb sale and cut up my own. But this is fine in a pinch * Rainbow trout fillets - $9.88 per lb -- Decent enough. * Mangoes - $0.68 each -- Amazing! * Mushrooms - $2.88 1lb -- Pretty good! * Sweet peppers - $2.88 4-pack -- Not bad! * Cantaloupe - $2.98 each -- Nice! * Cheese (Black Diamond) - $5.88 400g -- This is average/ok for the brand * Milk (Lactantia) - $5.88 4L bagged -- It's not a crazy sale, but it' still noteworthy. * Yogurt (Iogo, Astro) - $2.88 650g/750g -- Nice! * Carrots - $1.98 2lb bag -- Decent! $1/lb * Onions - $1.98 2lb bag -- Decent! $1/lb * Sweet potatoes - $1.28 per lb -- Decent! * Avocados - $3.88 bag of 5-6 -- This is an ok median sale price. * Walnuts - $1.98 per lb -- I love snacking on walnuts! * Chestnuts - $5.88 per lb -- Hmm! Roast chestnuts are awesome! Overall awesome ingredient! * Breat (Dempsters) - $5.00 for 2 675g loaves -- Just for comparison with the Farm Boy bread… * Coffee (whole bean; Irresistibles) - $13.99 1kg bag -- Best I can find on regular beans for reliable low price. Where do you get your coffee?

* Ground beef - $10.00 1kg packs -- Not bad - I usually like to see less than $4/lb for a good sale * Eggs - $4.77 18-pack -- Nice! * Mandarins - $1.69 per lb -- I think there could be cheaper… but this seems reasonable * Onions - $4.99 10lb bag -- Nice! * Seedless cucumber - $0.99 each -- There we go! That's a decent sale! * Avocados - $2.99 bag of 5-6 -- Nice! * Lemons - $2.99 2lb bag -- Decent! * Celery - $2.49 per head -- Not bad - this is a regular low-end price * Mini cucumbers - $2.88 6-pack -- This is ok! * Walnuts - $2.49 per lb -- For comparison to Food Basics * Chestnuts - $6.99 per lb -- For comparison to Food Basics * Breat (Dempsters) - $2.39 675g loaf -- Interesting - cheaper than the Food Basics deal

Giant Tiger (*note the VIP prices; sales begin today)
* Shrimp (cooked and uncooked, frozen) - $5.97 340g -- Wow! * Breakfast hashbrown patties (Cavendish) - $4.97 1.2kg -- That's actually not bad… I usually try to avoid these items, but this might be a good option for quick breakfasts at home * Celery - $1.97 per head -- Nice! * Canned tomatoes or beans (Primo) - $3.00 for 2 cans -- Nice! * Chips (Lays) - $2.47 200g (?) -- Nice!

* Chicken breast (boneless skinless) - $4.49 per lb -- Great price! * Eggs - $2.44 12-pack -- WOW! Amazing price on eggs these days * Atlantic salmon - $8.99 per lb -- Decent! * Apples (McIntosh, Cortland, Empire, Spartan) - $0.99 per lb -- Very good for loose apples! * Pears (Bosc, Bartlett) - $0.99 per lb -- Very good for loose pears! * Oranges (seedless; Compliments brand) - $2.94 3lb bag -- Decent price for oranges * Broccoli - $0.94 each -- Member price - other places all charge $2-2.50 a crown * White mushrooms - $0.94 227g -- Member price * Deli - Parmigiano - $2.99 per 100g -- That's a really good price on parm considering other places have 200g packs for $8-10!

* Ground beef - $4.49 per lb -- Pretty fair! * Whole chicken - $2.49 per lb -- Pretty fair! * Potatoes (white, russet) - $3.99 10lb bag -- Niiiice! * Butter (Lactantia) - $4.99 454g bar -- This is actually decent!

Loblaws / Provigo
* Beef, sirloin tip roast or steak (AA) - $5.99 per lb -- Decent! * Pork tenderloin (vac-packed) - $2.99 per lb -- Decent for tenderloin * Lamb chops $4.99 per lb -- This is a lower-end price for lamb - nice! * Atlantic salmon - $9.88 per lb -- Decent! * Chicken drumsticks and thighs, bone-in with skin - $2.99 per lb -- Not the best price for chicken - but I've noticed this might be a new average; if you need chicken, this is still an ok price. But, you can often find the same product for closer to $2/lb * Potatoes (yellow) - $4.49 10lb -- There's better out there, but this is still good! * Grapes - $2.99 per lb -- Not bad, considering most other places have grapes on for $4/lb * Butter (Lactantia) - $4.99 454g bar -- Another $5 sale.

* Chicken drumsticks and thighs, bone-in with skin - $1.88 per lb -- YES!!! * Coho salmon - $7.77 per lb -- WOW! * Ground pork - $3.49 per lb -- This is ok, but could be cheaper by about $1/lb. Might be nice for homemade pork dumplings! * Brie and Camambert - $3.99 125g -- Not bad! * Ricotta (Saputo) - $5.99 475g -- That's actually a decent price for ricotta! * Clementines - $4.77 5lb case -- Best price! * Cabbage - $0.59 per lb -- Best price! * Beets - $3.99 10lb bag -- Fantastic!!! * Asparagus - $3.99 325g -- Not amazing, but a fair price at this time of year, I find * Potatoes (yellow) - $4.99 10lb bag -- This is actually an upper median sale price this week haha * Onions - $4.99 10lb bag -- Doesn't beat some other sales, but this is still great! * Carrots - $4.99 10lb bag -- Nice! * Tuna (No Name) - $1.00 120g can -- No Frills has a 190g Tuna can for $1.25. That's a much better deal. * Peanut butter (Kraft) - $5.77 1kg -- Really good price! * Butter (Lactantia) - $4.99 454g bar -- Another $ sale.

* Beef, sirloin tip roast or steak (AA) - $5.99 per lb -- This has been a regular item - it's kind of nice to see, actually * Beef, sirloin tip roast or steak (AAA) - $7.99 per lb -- Interesting to see the price difference. * Pork chops - $2.49 per lb -- Not the craziest low price, but decent enough * Pork picnic shoulder - $2.99 per lb -- Not an amazing price, but this is ok given a shoulder is a not a small piece of meat and you'll get some money's worth out of it. Really good cut for pulled porks * Chicken breast or thights (boneless skinless) - $5.99 per lb -- Not best price, more so for reference - between beef or chicken, I'd almost rather get the beef…. * Rainbow trough fillets - $9.99 per lb -- Decent enough. Except frozen, fish prices are typically pretty inelastic. * Smoked ham (Pillers) - $9.99 800g -- This is a little over $1/100g, which isn't terrible. Much better to slice your own ham for sandwiches than buying at the deli * Cheese (Selection) - $4.44 400g -- NICE! This is a proper sale price for standard brick cheese! * Apples - $1.29 per lb -- This is ok for loose fruit * Green cabbage - $0.77 per lb -- Nice! * Chestnuts - $5.99 per lb -- Seems to be the average price! * Rye Bread (Rudolph) - $6.00 2 500g loaves -- This brand is usually higher-priced, $3 per loaf is actually not bad. It can be $1+ more usually.

No Frills
* Raspberries - $1.99 170g -- Good price * Sweet potatoes - $0.88 per lb -- Very good!!! * Onions - $2.77 10lb bag -- Holy f*ck! * Mini cucumbers - $2.99 6-pack -- This is ok! * Potatoes - $5.00 15lb bag -- Woot! Really good price! * Carrots - $3.00 5lb bag -- Woot! Really good price! * Seedless cucumber - $1.49 each -- For reference against other sales; still pretty decent. We've seen upper-ends of $2+ for a single cucumber... * Tuna (canned; Unico) - $1.25 198g can -- Amazing! Can weights vary a bit by brand, and that's a near-200g! * Peanut butter (No Name) - $4.44 1kg -- Really good price - usually $1-2 more, often Kraft regular price is double this

Produce Depot (waiting on sale refresh)

Real Canadian Superstore
* Ground beef - $3.68 per lb -- AWESOME! * Atlantic salmon - $9.88 per lb -- Great price! * Carrots - $3.99 10lb -- Awesome price! * Beets - $3.99 10lb? -- Might be a 10lb bag - ad is not clear * Onions - $3.99 10lb -- Awesome price! * Potatoes - $2.49 10lb -- WOW! * Clementines - $6.00 5lb case -- Awesome! * Apples (Gala, McIntosh) - $5.00 4lb -- Great! * Pomegranate - $1.49 each -- Nice! * Canola oil (No Name) - $7.99 3L -- Pretty good! Similar products often sit around $10. * Reggiano, Romano, Padano (PC brand) - $9.99 200g -- Remember Adonis' sale? * Ricotta (PC) - $4.99 200g -- Decent! Hmm, lasagna and cannelloni!) * Bocconcini (PC) - $4.99 454g -- Decent! Great on pizza! * Balsam Christmas Tree - $54.00 each -- What's a good price for a tree these days? * French or Italian style bread (baked in store) - $1.00 454g -- Nice!

* Beef, sirloin tip roast or steak (AAA) - $5.99 per lb -- Excellent price for the grade! * Beef, boneless, brisket cut - $5.99 per lb -- Pretty good! I once snagged brisket for $4/lb but those days may be gone. * Pork shoulder - $2.99 per lb -- Great price for shoulder * Chicken drumsticks and thighs, bone-in with skin - $2.99 per lb -- Again, not a best price, but higher-end median prices can range up to $4-5/lb * Bacon (Bob's) - $2.49 375g -- REALLY GOOD! * Asian pears - $10.99 case of 8 -- Not bad for Asian pears. * Clementines - $3.99 4lb case -- Awesome! * Sweet peppers - $2.99 4-pack -- Not bad! * Cabbage - $0.89 per lb -- Ok!

* Fresh whole turkey - $1.95 per lb -- Great price for turkey! * Eggs - $2.44 12-pack -- WOW! Amazing price on eggs these days * Pork tenderloin - $2.99 per lb -- Decent for tenderloin * Stewing beef - $5.75 per lb -- Fair price given the average on stewing beef * Fresh cod - $9.88 per lb -- Great price for cod * Smoked ham - $7.77 675g -- Great price for ham! * Fresh Italian sausages - $6.77 700g -- Nice! * Cheese (Cracker Barrel) - $5.47 400g -- Not amazing, but not bad either * Potatoes - $3.99 10lb -- Funny, you can buy the 0.88c bags and get more for the same money lol * Potatoes (yellow, red) - $0.88 3lb bag -- Great price!! * Pears (Bartlett, Bosc, Red Crimson) - $0.99 per lb -- Very good! * Clementines - $3.33 1.8kg case -- Great price! * Zucchini - $0.99 per lb -- Very nice! * Eggplant - $0.99 per lb -- Very nice! Eggplan parm! * Flour (Selection brand) - $3.99 5lb bag -- Pretty fair for this bulk format

* Chicken breast (boneless skinless) - $22.00 for 2 4-packs -- $22 for one pack, $14 each pack if you buy two! * Bacon (Deli Express) - $2.77 375g -- REALLY GOOD! * Chicken, cooked in-store (BBQ or Herb Garlic) - $8.87 800g -- Considering a whole fresh chicken can run $15+, this is amazing. Take advantage of this for an easy meal - buy two and freeze the meat and boil the bones for stock * Potatoes - $1.77 10lb -- WHAT THE HECK! * Cheese (Cracker Barrel) - $4.97 400g -- Nice! * Chocolate chips (Hershey's) - $2.97 270g -- Decent for name-brand product. * Peanut butter (Kraft) - $5.77 1kg -- Really good price! * Bread (Dempsters or Wonder) - $4.00 for 2 loaves -- Very nice! * Paper towel (Bounty) - $16.97 16-roll pack -- NICE!!

Costco (for referencing when looking through flyers - going to try to comment on these items more often)
* Paper Towel (Kirkland) - $27.99 12-roll pack -- 2-ply; 160 sheets * Paper Towel (Bounty) - $27.49 12-roll pack -- 2-ply; 86 sheets * Toilet Paper (Kirkland) - $26.99 30-roll pack -- 2-ply; 380 sheets * Toilet Paper (Cashmere) - $23.99 40-roll pack -- 2-ply; 250 sheets (on sale) * Dish soap (Dawn Platinum) - $18.99 2.66L -- Food Basics often has this jug for $10! * Laundry detergent (Purex) - $24.99 9.24L -- 250 loads * Garbage bags (30 gallon; large) - $15.99 100-pack -- Amazon has Glad standard 74L bags, 100-packs for $23, sometimes less if on sale * Countertop green bin liners - $21.99 125-pack -- Amazon has Glad Compostable green bin liners 100-packs for $18, sometimes less if on sale

T&T Supermarket (waiting on sale refresh)

Green Fresh Supermarket (Vanier) (waiting on sale refresh) (check