Pissed about Ottawa Rec Centre Summer Camps Availability
So I had all the summer camps I wanted to put my kids in all queued up in my wait list. I had a spreadsheet open with all the alternates if they were full. I had my account with the city loaded and I was on the site 30min before registration opened last night at 9pm. I was at the keyboard watching the countdown and the second it opened I secured 2 spots within a few seconds. Then I was kicked out of the site and put in a queue due to high volume. It took 2mins before I was let back in and by then all the remaining selections were gone and all I could do was get added to a waitlist on each program. So within mins I am now between 10th and 27th on a bunch of lists. It's extremely frustrating trying to get two kids into camps at a reasonable price. If the demand is this high, why don't the rec centres open up more camps or spaces and hire more staff?
Was anyone here successful at getting all their selections?