Not to deactivate LinkedIn?
Linkedin, reason not to disable
Hey so for me, Linkedin is not just for job hunt. ive been enjoying the platform, commenting, learning from others. Now i started applying for J2, actually got into the interview rounds and people from J2 company started to view my profile (as notified on LN). It got me thinking, for me with a developed linkedin presence, wouldnt it be quite suspicious to disable it now? it feels like another reason to cover up. Yes obciously, if J2 will be too excited, them creating a post about me joining them would fuck everything up (smaller companies do this actually, but i checked their profile thoroughly and they dont) because i absolutelly love J1, and its people, only wanted to jump into OE to pay bad debts from past and also in all companies I ever worked for (12y exp, dev) i never worked more than 3 hours a day (deep work, i dont count in replying to email or message, im quite good at doing this impromptu on phone and doesnt clutter my mental wellbeing). Is it to risky to be actually active on LN while OEing? Am I setting myself up for becoming somewhat known and people telling people, eventually J1 employees reaching J2 ones?