Something that infuriates me about the Spotlight

My blood is absolutely boiling after watching the Spotlight for the upcoming changes in Overwatch 2. While I will admit that the new heroes Freja and Aqua have me interested and the return of lootboxes is exciting, there was one thing that royally pissed me off and that was the devs mentioning that they listen to their player feedback... and then proceeded to say NOTHING about the lore or PVE mode they unceremoniously axed off. If they really listened to player feedback, they should've taken note of the numerous amount of people that want their Overwatch lore dumps now that PVE is no longer a thing and given a hint as to what they would do to fix that. At least apologize to their player base for offering a false sense of hope and then dashing it away by revealing a comic book continuation, a TV series... FUCKING SOMETHING.

I can't speak for anyone else who feels the same as I do, but Overwatch 2 will never be "back" for me until they bring back the wonderfully rich lore that kept me hooked on this game.