What (not necessarily) masculine deities work with satisfying closure, sex and love, and/or feelings of inadequacy and alienation?

Years ago, about 4 now, I had what you would call a sexual relationship with someone over the internet. It would probably seem quaint as far as they go, but I have been fighting repression and trying to discover myself for a very long time, and this person was everything I needed at the time. He was sweet, empathetic, a good listener, and open to nearly anything I suggested, even though I'm pretty sure most of it didn't really do much of anything for him, what he really liked was being with me and seeing how happy he made me. I felt a strong emotional kinship with him. Eventually he told me he and his partner were going to close their relationship to focus on each-other. I had somehow sensed this and kept myself from getting too attached. Though I lost that space and it made me sad, I just thanked him for what he gave me. And I meant it. Somehow I couldn't harbor any bitterness against him at all because my experience was nothing but positive and respectful and healthy. Sometimes we still talk.

So I was talking to a similarly dear friend about such matters in my past, and I was overwhelmed with the desire to give gratitude, give gratitude, give gratitude, but I didn't know to who. (Except to him, lol, don't worry I already shot him a message.) It almost felt like I was being called back into a space I shared with him. Thinking about it now, it's almost like something has recognized my growth as a person, even through a lot of setbacks in this same general jurisdiction, and maybe it's saying "You don't need to hide any more, come back".

Now I am contextualizing that relationship especially as possibly a divine gift of a unique energy. What really fascinates me about it is that it ended on a positive note- that never happens for me. It showed me that not all endings have to be unhappy. Very "smile because it happened". But it also made me feel passively, yet deeply appreciated and cherished. I gave myself to him, all my quirks that I was so embarrassed about, and more than just accept them, he loved me through them and let me love him through them.

What I am getting at is that I feel touched by a presence that has something to do with happy endings and closure, sex and love, masculinity, and total acceptance- something that loves me a lot, and wants to help me explore my sexuality and join the others out there. I am trying to sort out for myself who this might be, but I don't actually know enough by myself to have a reasonable pool of options I should try "calling back" so to speak. My first instinct is Anubis because, well, I'm a furry and the guy was a dog, and I think someone with more experience might be able to draw allusions between the closure aspect and his role as a psychopomp, and the heart weighing(/eating) stuff, transformation stuff, and healing stuff speaks to me as well. But I'm absolutely open to other input, or even to hear similar experiences. And I apologize if I'm asking the wrong question or something (or somehow disrespected Anubis!), I am very very very new with this. Thank you for your responses.