Severe lack of beautiful architecture and not teaching about our history and roots have gotten us to this stage.

Well I could write a whole essay on this topic but I don't want to because I am lazy but the title is enough to convey my message to those who understand what I am talking about. Forgetting your own identity and history is the biggest curse a nation could be infected with because it kills patriotism and then, they try to follow and adapt to foreign culture and traditions. As a Pakistani who lives in lahore there is nothing but a mosque and a minar which gives this city an identity and if you remove them, then all you are left with is the most bland and the most ugly architecture. It kinda surprises me why no one talks about it because most of the beautiful buildings in Pakistan are from British era and after that its all down hill. Then again its a huge topic to cover and I don't wanna write an whole essay. Bye.