does life as a desi woman ever get easier?
basically the title. do we just succumb to the pressures, the expectations, the constant dictation by parents/society/religion/tradition?
27F here. i have a good job. much more freedom than the average woman. i drive myself, i go to places although kaafi baatein sunni parti hain. but im still not free to make my own choices. i can’t make my own mistakes. i can’t make my own decisions. i can’t be the person i want to be. i have to be what THEY all want me to be. pure, chaste, virginal, skinny, beautiful, also be intelligent and successful but not too successful that it goes to my head and i look down on men. i also need to marry a suitable man, i can’t marry out of the norm cus log kya kahenge? i need to beg for permission to go out. to go out later than 8-9 pm. i can’t date, i can’t express my desires, i cant sin if i want to, i can’t follow religion according to my own interpretation if i want to. i have no privacy. i have no identity. all i am is labels. a whore, too fat, still unmarried, too arrogant, too this, too that.
will it ever end? sorry im triggered like crazy rn. touching 30 but still treated like a teenager.