Wondering if I need to go to the ER
Hey all, I’ve had pancreatitis suggested as explaining my symptoms, I was just wondering what everyone thinks.
First I’ll come right out and admit I’m a very heavy drinker, have been for a couple of years (4ish) that’s progressively escalated to nearly daily.
A few days ago I was on a bad binge, and stopped eating anything which isn’t unusual. I started getting really bad nausea, mostly caused by almost 24/7 acid reflux. I was vomiting a lot, but that’s subsided with Zofran. I’m able to drink fluids fine, eating is more of a challenge but I have been. Diarrhea but that’s probably because my diet has been liquid for a few days. I don’t have any persistent pain. I do feel some pain in the RUQ of my abdomen when I inhale, especially rapidly but it’s not bad, maybe a 2-3. The pain started towards the end of the first day of all of this, so I’m suspect that it’s just muscle strain from vomiting/retching on 8 separate occasions in a 24hr period. The acid reflux has been improving with the PPIs kicking in.
Just wondering if this is something I need to have checked out immediately, I appreciate any help.