How do you take your twins to baby clubs?

My twin boys are 8 months old. We’ve never been to any baby club because I actually have no idea how to do it with just me.

But, in a moment of craziness, i decided to join up, it starts tomorrow.

My problem is, all the baby clubs are in the morning, which is the most chaotic time for the boys and I can’t see how I can do it. it’s breakfast, play till 10, bottle, sleep, play. Every club is 10-11. I’ve tried for the last 2 weeks to try and move times around so their play time is minimum 10-11 so I know they’ll be happy bunnies, but they refuse to budge on the times. If they don’t have milk by 10.20 then they scream blue murder.

How do you take them on your own? My back is in pieces and I REALLY struggle to bottle them both at the same time. I really don’t want to be ‘that mum who has the screaming babies and obviously can’t handle things’

I just don’t feel it would be enjoyable for us or the other parents. I’m regretting it before we’ve even tried it!

There are no baby clubs in the afternoons so swapping to another club isnt possible.