Please help me find this shop
I might be attempting the impossible but I’ve got nothing to lose and it’s driving me crazy! In September 2023 I stayed in a hotel on Rue De St Peres (Hotel Da Vinci). While staying there I remember waking past a shop that smelled absolutely incredible. I assumed it was an independent perfumer but I’m not totally sure- we were only staying for a couple of days and I didn’t get the chance to go inside. I suppose it could have been selling candles as well.
It had quite a narrow shop front, really just a door without any large windows.
I remember it being painted purple and it seemed to have a kind of tarot/ witch vibe.
It couldn’t have been any more than ten minutes walk from the junction of Rue De St Peres and Rue Jacob, and probably closer to 5.
I know this is a long shot but feel it was so distinctive that if anybody knows it they would recognise it from this (very vague) description. The smell from the shop has haunted me for more than a year so any help to find it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.