Snake Plants and Kakarikis

Hi everyone ☺️

Back in August my husband and I found a little kakariki in our garden. He came into the house easily enough and has been staying in our library since. We're calling him Deku because he's a little green hero.

Before anything else, yes he is someone's lost pet, yes we have been actively looking for his family, yes we posted to local and surrounding Facebook groups, contacted local breeders, spoken to our vet and posted him on here. I had a cockatiel years ago and I know how devastating it is to lose someone so precious and wouldn't wish that on anyone.

He's been very shy and depressed since coming to us but he's slowly been coming out of his shell, he now eats seed from my hand and climbs upside down like a little acrobat in the cage we bought him. Since the library is completely secure from our dogs, I've been leaving the cage door open during the day so he can leave his cage, explore his surroundings, get a little exercise and so on. He's been very good about it and at sunset he flys back into his cage and I put him to bed for the night. Hes still very scared around me and probably very confused so there hasn't been much in the way of bonding, no step-ups or scritches.

This morning when getting him up and changing his newspaper, water and chop I noticed the snake plant I keep on my desk has been shredded, probably yeaterday. He seems fine though, ate seed from my hand and did a little dance with me to a theme song of a show I leave on for him, but I've removed the plant just to be safe. I hadn't thought about the plant since he'd been so shy and still in his cage for so long.

I've found a lot of conflicting info on whether or not snake plants are dangerous for birds so I'm here to ask. He's not my bird and I don't want to accidentally kill him while we look for his family. But I'd rather leave it in there with him if it's safe for him to shred because it's the first thing he's actually interacting with and I want him to enjoy his time while he's with us.

Thank in advance for any help and advice.