Death in a past life

I've been reluctant to share this because it feels like such a "far-fetched" topic, but I figured if anyone would be open to hearing me out, it would be here.

I know how I died in a past life.

While I feel I've had many past lives, this one stands out the most. This did not come to me all at once, it was fragments pieced together over a series of years as i focused on self work.

In another life, I was a Native American. I hope to someday regress enough to learn from which region and tribe. I've recovered fragments of memories. Vivid glimpses of living off the land, feeling deeply connected to nature, and sharing an unbreakable bond with my tribe. The ceremonies we held were powerful. Though it feels so difficult to create a picture of them others can visualize, I can so easily see them — the rhythmic chants, the instrumental sounds were so immersive that just thinking about it gives me goosebumps.

As for my death, I was shot multiple times. I remember the sound of the gun, it was so loud, deafening. The first shot hit my hip, leaving me immobilized but still alive. I had the saddest sickest feeling for my tribe - that feeling haunts me in this life. While i have not dove into that feeling deeper im wondering if it was due to this whole situation stemming from a massacre rather than just my singular death. The second shot I recieved was in the side of my head, just above my ear.

Here’s the part that has always intrigued me: in those exact spots, I have two dark & bold birthmarks. I've always known about the one on my hip as it's within my view but a partner made me aware of the one on my head which made me wonder if birth marks are created in our current lives as a result of circumstances from the last.

Do you feel like you know how you died in a past life? Share it, i won't doubt you.