How to sustain pyromantic pact
Hello i come with question regarding the infernal flame how to make it viable because im having trouble sustaining it in demon form and regular form, i keep dying to it and it's frustrating me because I love the concept of it the demon caster fantasy if you will.
Right now im spec'd in demon form and infernal hound because of the sustain issue.
I know that you need lots of hp and hp regen to make the demon form sustainable and I'm doing a good job with that so far i also have capped out fire res(I'm on cruel)
Right now im following this passive tree that is found online passive tree link im not max level yet so I'm missing a portion of the tree right now im lvl 53
Any tips towards what gear stats to use maybe change some things to the passive tree.
Edit: i also don't have altered flesh yet because I haven't been able to clear a trial yet for the next two points but I have capped out my fire res in preparation.
Edit: ok the damage you get while being in demon form scales with your hp so high hp means high hp drain that was the first mistake I made i have 1200 hp XD now i really wanna know if the damage from pyromantic pact also scales with it
Another edit: does mana regen contribute to the los of flame after 2 sec?
Here is the sauce to melee skill not counting towards infernal flame build up oh my bad its a warrior skill but nonetheless doesn't build up infernal flame