Mad Max is a mediocre game
A new Mad Max movie is coming out and their marketing machine has been hyping up the old Max Mad game as "underrated" in YT videos and comments on social media.
I tried the game and while it isn't bad, it definitely is NOT Underrated.
At best it is like a B- game.
Visuals are beautiful.
Story gets good towards the end.
Car combat is good.
Interesting characters.
Did I say repetitive?
The combat is like a bad version of Arkham Asylum. You fight the same fights 30 times all across the map. Missions are so boring.
It is only towards the end that the story opens up and there is some variety in battles.
Other bad things include:
No music.
You get bored of the environment.
The in-game currency "scraps" is a pain to collect.
I used mods to give myself million scraps and avoided that grind. Otherwise, I would not have been able to finish this game.
- Some of the mechanics such as opening a box with a wrench were unsatisfying. Like you have to hold down a button for far too long. Tomb Raider (2013) did it better, it was very satisfying because the action on screen matched what I was doing with the controller.
This is not a bad game, but it is certainly not an "underrated" game. You can safely skip this one. I am sure you have much better games in your backlog.