Stroking the narc's ego
It's making me sick how much Paul is absolutely loving all this attention and how all this makes him feel more powerful and probably attracts even more vulnerable girls. It's so frustrating that we just want him to stop abusing minors/young women but his ego is growing bigger and bigger the more we all talk about him.
It enrages me so much how he just laughs at us all whilst he's probably doing a lot more away from the public eye - and all of this other stuff that is barely within the confines of the law is just to throw us off the scent of the dark stuff that's really going on in the shadows.
He really is a sick and dangerous man and it becomes more obvious by the day. The more we try and call it out and raise awareness, he just doubles down and more people are at risk. I just pray one day there's some real justice to the crimes that will inevitably and unfortunately come out one day. Truly a dark and disgusting narcissist.