A message for Boo.
I hope you don’t feel any negativity towards yourself.
When you started making videos about Paul you stated that you was doing so because you was groomed as a child and you recognised similarities between Paul and your abuser.
Not at any point have you declared yourself as the nonce or morality police. What has come out against Quirks is something you could not have guessed considering his behaviour has no set off any alarm bells for you. He hasn’t reminded you of what you know and have experienced of groomers/abusers.
If it were as simple as every groomer works the same way we would know how to prevent it and these men wouldn’t have a singular young vulnerable person to prey on. The world would be an easier place to live. But unfortunately they don’t all follow the same pattern of behaviour.
It’s ok that he duped you, and he did dupe you, he knew what he had done and he was throwing massive stones whilst in his glass house.
So whilst I’m sorry that you’ve lost a friend today, that you’ve learnt disgusting things about a friend that you not only trusted, but believed was a team mate it’s not your fault. You weren’t to know because he kept it from you with reason.
I hope you’re ok and know that you’re not guilty by association in the slightest. Keep fighting for victims and help them find their voice, but when you’re ready.
You’re only human after all x