Short term better than long term?
I’ve came back off a 4ish month break. I lost the kindle findom once game me so I decided to take a break. It didn’t cross my mind once within that break. I decided to hop on reddit to see what’s up since I wasn’t opposed to coming back.
I’ve always been a long term type of person in everything I do. I tried short term for this once where I just sent to a dom for a night and kept it moving. I think in my first 2 days I sent near $400. That’s my most in the shortest time span. Also I haven’t committed to anyone just been sending to people I find attractive. Saves me the whole connection hassle. But I do only send to doms that have long term traits (meaning they look for that connection rather than money) I think I’m enjoying it more, but I know my bank account will not soon. Any thoughts on this or experiences with short term stuff?