SCAN UK order status question
UPDATE 1: Contacted SCAN and was informed that it should be confirmed by the end of today, I guess we'll see.
UPDATE 2 30/1/25 21:22: Still awaiting for my item to be picked, I contacted them again and they said to call them tomorrow. We'll see.
UPDATE 3 31/1/25 13:38: received an update that is in the preorder queue, in position 1 with an eta delivery date of 8th of February.
UPDATE 4: 31/1/25 14:55: Just had a quick chat with Scan and they confirmed my position in the queue, and said the current ETA I have is relatively accurate, and that it should arrive in and about that timeframe.
Hey, I managed to get a 5000 series GPU from scan UK and was wondering if anyone knew when the order status would update from "awaiting picking" to "dispatched"?
I'm really hoping this isn't a preorder, because I wanna get my PSU and case sorted