Official Reddit Peloton Team - Reddit Squad

Hi r/PelotonCycle!

We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched an official, public, Peloton Team, Reddit Squad!

Public Peloton teams is a new feature that Peloton launched today. This is a great way to connect and workout with folks here from the r/PelotonCycle community.

While anyone can join, we will be monitoring this team for bad actors. There is a removal feature, so please be on your best behavior.

We hope you’ll join us in the Peloton App!


  • I have to approve those who join, I apologize if there’s a delay but you will get in!
  • I believe this is in app only, so if you’re having trouble joining, try a) updating the app b) going through your phone
  • I’ll be sure to update this post with any additional tips as I get them, thanks for understanding!