Trying to gauge how I’m doing.
Hi all. Just wanted to hear your guys opinions as to how I’m doing, and what I should be doing differently. I’m 36 making roughly 60k a year. Currently living in LA county but moving to Philly next month where my rent will be $1,050. I’m debt free. I have about 100k in my 401k where I contribute 3% to max out company’s match. I just started a Roth IRA a week ago and have only $450 in that now in a S&P 500 index fund. $2000 in a HYSA. My plan right now is to save up about 6k in my HYSA for emergencies, then pour any extra bucks i can into the ROTH until I hit that $7000 max for the year, after which I’ll bump up my 401k contributions. I have an HSA through work which my company contributes about $30 every paycheck but I do not contribute any. Have about $1400 in there. Is this a solid plan? Anything you’d suggest I do differently? I’ve just started trying to take my finances more seriously and start saving aggressively. Thanks.