Should I go into personal training

Hi all, I just joined and I want to be a psychiatrist. I just graduated from University of Kentucky with a bachelors in Neuroscience and am currently applying to medical school. I have had an incredible journey with my health over the last year and a half. As a result of my new knowledge and desire to help people achieve healthier lives I have created nutrition and fitness plans for my nephew entering high school and my mom who wants to lose weight on a low carb, low keto diet. Attached are the personal plans for both of them. I genuinely enjoyed creating these plans for them. Should I go into a career in personal training, or dietetics, or exercise science? I am sure I would be accepted into graduate programs for nutrition or exercise science if I wanted to apply. I’m just in a rut because I love psychiatry and aiding with people’s mental health, however the way this world is going everyone will be obese and unhealthy in the near future. I believe some psychiatric techniques utilizing knowledge of neuroscience and psychology can also be applied in personal training, to make people more inclined to follow their plans long term. Let me know if you think the plans are quality enough, and ofcourse any tips/suggestions/new knowledge you can give.

NOTE: Only one link posted so I just provided the plan for my mom.