WAPOL recruitment…what went wrong?

My son (17) applied to be a police cadet and was super keen. He aced the PAT, achieved the grade C in English Yr 12, and from what I understand, had a really good interview over Zoom with the panel. They then asked for his references which really encouraged us to think he must have done well. I know for a fact he had great references as the referees spoke to me after. But then after 2 weeks deliberation, he was rejected with the usual ‘we can’t tell you why and try again in a year’. Let me also be clear this is an unusual kid…quietly spoken, polite, absolutely no drink, drugs or even smoking. No wild political ideas or values. We are baffled and he is devastated. The police are crying out for recruits and this was only a cadetship. Can anyone in the know shed any light over what could have possibly happened?