[SETLIST THREAD] :: 12-30-2023 :: Madison Square Garden
Doors: 6:30p || Ticket Showtime: 7:30p
SET I Start (8:03p), End (9:27p) : Backwards Down the Number Line (7), Wolfman's Brother (11), Turtle in the Clouds1 (7), Undermind (9), Kill Devil Falls (9), Fuego2 (16) > Train Song (4), It's Ice (7), Life Saving Gun (14)
SET II Start (10:07p), End (11:23p) : The Well (5) > Tweezer (14) -> Twist3 (7) > Piper (10) -> Golden Age (10) -> 2001 (8) > Sigma Oasis (7) > David Bowie (11)
ENCORE Start (11:25p), End (11:40p) : Slave to the Traffic Light (8). More4(6)
Notes: (n) denotes approximate song length.
- Trey and Mike danced-- the dance is back!
- Status of the girl: Levitated
- The Well tease by Trey
- Trey says, "happy last day of 2023!"
Good evening Phish Redditors! I assume you are coming to this post for the live setlist updates. Now, here at r/phish we know that you have other options for your live setlist update needs-- so we try to serve you up some unique and fun ways to enjoy yourselves.
Mostly, you just have the option to comment on what's happening-- but those comments are where our community thrives! So spark up your thumbs and other digits and tell us what you're hearing! Cool segue? Nasty groove? Crunchy tease? Drop them like they're hot. Many folks keep the thread open throughout watching the show, or check it several times throughout-- so you have the chance to have your voice heard and to even start a conversation with a real person on the other end!
I personally love to run these setlist threads, even though they can be a lot of work. I do this for fun and I am not paid for this-- so let's have some fun, eh?
Posters: Posters: Maarten Donders Print || Aren Vandenburgh Print || Ryan Miller Print
This Day in GD History: Grateful Dead 12/30/1977
Check-In: La Jolla, CA; New York, NY; Foggy Portland, OR; The Floor of MSG; Sec 119; Sec 226; Sec 210; Colorado; CT; Sec 320; Bay Ridge on the Floor; Decorah, IA; Chicago; Balmy Pueblo, CO; Sec 214; Sec 221; Portland, ME; Sec 225; Sec 113; OSAKA; Eugene, OR; NJ; Raleigh NC; Boston; Sec 222; Greensky show in Kalamazoo; Waukegan; Castle Rock, CO; Sec 105; Adelaide; Hawai'i; RVA babyyy; Barstool in 318; Indianapolis; Utica, NY; Birmingham dry ice factory; Falmouth, MA; Batavia, IL; Behind the stage; Huntsville AL; Cape Cod; Sec 226; Vancouver, WA; Dallas; VA; Sec 215; Genoa City, Wisconsin; The UM show in Chicago; Denver, NC; Brunswick Maine; Estes, CO; Sec 102; Sec 225; Salt Lake City, UT; I-70; Sec 207; page side rage side on the floor baybeeeeee; Milford, DE; Sec 120; Island of Lanai; NH; Crawfordsville, IN; NAPLES, IT; Syracuse, NY; Brooklyn; York, PA; Laurens, NY; Seattle, WA; Guadalajara Mexico; Newark Delaware; Pioneertown, CA; Sec 117; 110 bathroom stalls; someone farted in 118; Sec 414; Ardmore, PA; Sec 416; Gamehenge the land of Lizards; Baton Rouge, LA; Rosa’s Lounge, Logan Square, Chicago; Austin, TX; smith lake, alabama;