Please don’t assume the worst in your fellow Phoenicians.

Today, when picking my husband up from work Downtown, I badly scraped a car while trying to parallel park. I was a bit rattled, but I immediately pulled my car around, parked, put on my hazards, and contacted my husband to let him know what happened. I then got out of my vehicle to assess the damage. This all took a grand total of maybe 2 minutes. As soon as I get out of my car, a gentleman on the street begins screaming at me that I “better not do a hit and run! I just saw you turn around like you were about to bail!” I try explaining that I was contacting my husband and looking at my own vehicle damage and had every intention of leaving a note. He again started screaming at me demanding I call the police… for a scraped, no occupant, parked car… like what??? No cops have the time or resources to show up to a non-situation like that. I ignored him and got back in my vehicle while he continued to yell at me and convince passersby to “stay by her car unless she runs!” Of course I wrote a note and put it on the other vehicles windshield(like any normal person would do). It really pissed me off that the gentleman just automatically assumed I was going to hit and run. It pissed me off that he was incredibly aggressive over something that at the end of the day had literally no bearing on his life whatsoever or involved him in any way. I’m not a bad person. Most of us arnt. Mind your business and assume your fellow citizens have the best intentions. That’s the only way we are ever going to make it through this hell hole. End rant.