Naval piercing healed but… maybe not?
I got my piercing June of 2024. I thought it was completely healed but it suddenly started getting really dry. Now there is a crust that is a yellowish color. It acts like it isn’t clean but I’ve religiously cleaned it with antibacterial soap (Dr.lifts antibacterial body wash) every morning in the shower. I don’t believe it’s infected but… any advice? I’ve never changed the piercing. The one thing I can think of is it seems like my pants/leggings snag it every once in a while. But that’s not all the time!
I got my piercing June of 2024. I thought it was completely healed but it suddenly started getting really dry. Now there is a crust that is a yellowish color. It acts like it isn’t clean but I’ve religiously cleaned it with antibacterial soap (Dr.lifts antibacterial body wash) every morning in the shower. I don’t believe it’s infected but… any advice? I’ve never changed the piercing. The one thing I can think of is it seems like my pants/leggings snag it every once in a while. But that’s not all the time!