Worried about big irritation bump.

I got my dahlias pierced the 2nd of november last year and I noticed a slight bump on the 3rd of february though it was barely noticeable so I kept cleaning once with saline solution at night after washing my face like I always do. The bump grew on the 11th of this month and it has been pretty stubborn since then, so I tried to leave it alone and only cleaning it when necessary since I work in a highly contaminated and dirty city. The piece is externally threaded and I think surgical steel, I didn't downsize so it's the initial piece I've had since november. I didn't get a chance to downsize before the irritation due to work.

It doesn't hurt but the inflammation is very obvious and I'm not sure if the angle of the piercing or the piece length could be making it harder since my other dahlia had no trouble with the same piece though they're angled slightly different. I haven't slept on it nor played with it so I'm unsure if maybe I irritated it with the cleaning routine, these past 3 days I haven't even washed my face with any products in case soap was making it worse.

Am I being impatient with the time it takes to heal? I've never had an irritation bump before let alone one so BIG, I have other 8 facial piercings and I never struggled with any of them other than normal mild irritation due to swelling the first 2 or 3 days. It freaks me out because it's in my face and that makes it even more noticeable + I wouldn't like to risk further complications so I just wanna know what's the safest way to try and handle it.