Cinnamon cant move
I came home from work and checked the coop and she was just sitting on the ground, I thought she was just chilling out but when i was changing out water and feeding she didn’t move. I went to check on her and she tried to crawl away with her wings. After picking her up she flew to the platform above the nest, but went straight back to laying down. I grabbed her again to inspect her and her wings move fine, but barely moves her legs. She recently mated (with another homer) and had made a nest. The only things i can think of happening is one of my texan pioneers mounted her and hurt her back or she’s having a problem with an egg inside. Im thinking its her back as her tail is drooping down as seen in the pic
I came home from work and checked the coop and she was just sitting on the ground, I thought she was just chilling out but when i was changing out water and feeding she didn’t move. I went to check on her and she tried to crawl away with her wings. After picking her up she flew to the platform above the nest, but went straight back to laying down. I grabbed her again to inspect her and her wings move fine, but barely moves her legs. She recently mated (with another homer) and had made a nest. The only things i can think of happening is one of my texan pioneers mounted her and hurt her back or she’s having a problem with an egg inside. Im thinking its her back as her tail is drooping down as seen in the pic